Acupuncture in the Isle of Man
Acupuncture is part of an ancient and sophisticated form of treatment which originated in China, but which has increasingly spread throughout the world. It involves the insertion of extremely fine, hair-like, pre-sterilized, stainless steel needles at…
MoreAcupuncture in the Isle of Man
Acupuncture is part of an ancient and sophisticated form of treatment which originated in China, but which has increasingly spread throughout the world. It involves the insertion of extremely fine, hair-like, pre-sterilized, stainless steel needles at pre-determined points on the body surface, known as acupuncture points, to restore internal health. Acupuncture may therefore bring the body into balance and assist the healing process through the regulation of qi - energy, blood and fluid in the body. Acupuncture may remove blockages, stimulate the immune system, harmonise emotion, improve blood flow, reduce pain and inflammation and stimulate healing in the body's tissues. Acupuncture can be used alone or combined with other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment such as herbal medicine or Chinese massage called tui na or it may be used in conjunction with other complementary therapies such as osteopathy. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine and very different to the needles used when, for example, having blood taken. Generally the client feels little or no discomfort. Licensed acupuncturists are required to work within clear standards relating to hygiene and safety thus providing protection against the transmission of infectious diseases. The acupuncture needles used in treatment are pre-sterilised, single use and disposable.