Iridology involves the examination of the iris in the eye. Each person's iris is completely unique and it is considered to carry the body's genetic blueprint. People can acquire inherited physical weaknesses that may have affected previous family members. It is believed that these may be…
MoreIridology involves the examination of the iris in the eye. Each person's iris is completely unique and it is considered to carry the body's genetic blueprint. People can acquire inherited physical weaknesses that may have affected previous family members. It is believed that these may be detected through Iridology. By examining the eye, the Iridologist assesses a person's overall state of health and well-being. He/she is also able to assess which conditions a person may have the potential to develop if they neglect their health. Iris analysis may also be a useful means of assessing levels of toxicity in the body. During the consultation, the Iridologist uses a torch and magnifier to carry out the analysis. Iris analysis is a completely safe, hygienic and non-invasive process. This ancient approach is considered holistically effective because it gives an accurate picture of the person's genetic pattern. This pattern is something that will not change during that person's lifetime.